{% extends 'buy/_layout/main' %} {% block title %} Buy your hand-crafted free-range coastal artisan t-shirt. {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if cart.isEmpty %} {% redirect 'buy/add' %} {% endif %} {# Do we have have more than 1 line item? If so, we are likely on Pro, let's use the main cart checkout example template #} {% if cart.lineItems|length > 1 %} {% redirect '/shop/cart' %} {% endif %} {% set step = craft.app.request.param('step') %} {% if not step %} {% redirect 'buy?step=1' %} {% endif %} {% set showEmailForm = (step == 1) %} {% set showEmailInfo = (not showEmailForm and cart.email) %} {% set showShippingForm = (step == 2) %} {% set showShippingInfo = (not showShippingForm and cart.shippingAddress) %} {% set showPaymentForm = (step == 3) %} {% if showPaymentForm and not cart.email %} {% redirect 'buy?step=1' %} {% endif %} {% if showPaymentForm and not cart.shippingAddress %} {% redirect 'buy?step=2' %} {% endif %}