{% extends 'buy/_layout/main' %} {% block title %} Buy your hand-crafted free-range coastal artisan t-shirt. {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if cart.isEmpty %} {% redirect 'buy/add' %} {% endif %} {# Do we have have more than 1 line item? If so, we are likely on Pro, let's use the main cart checkout example template #} {% if cart.lineItems|length > 1 %} {% redirect '/shop/cart' %} {% endif %} {% set step = craft.app.request.param('step') %} {% if not step %} {% redirect 'buy?step=1' %} {% endif %} {% set showEmailForm = (step == 1) %} {% set showEmailInfo = (not showEmailForm and cart.email) %} {% set showShippingForm = (step == 2) %} {% set showShippingInfo = (not showShippingForm and cart.shippingAddress) %} {% set showPaymentForm = (step == 3) %} {% if showPaymentForm and not cart.email %} {% redirect 'buy?step=1' %} {% endif %} {% if showPaymentForm and not cart.shippingAddress %} {% redirect 'buy?step=2' %} {% endif %}

Your Email

{% if showEmailForm %}
{{ redirectInput('buy?step=2') }} {{ csrfInput() }}
{% endif %} {% if showEmailInfo %} {{ cart.email }} {% if not currentUser %}Edit{% endif %} {% endif %}

Your Address

{% if showShippingForm %}
{{ redirectInput('buy?step=3') }} {{ csrfInput() }}
{% endif %} {% if showShippingInfo %} {{ cart.shippingAddress.firstName ?? ''}} {{ cart.shippingAddress.lastName ?? ''}}
{{ cart.shippingAddress.address1 ?? ''}}
{{ cart.shippingAddress.address2 ?? ''}}
{{ cart.shippingAddress.city ?? ''}}, {{ cart.shippingAddress.zipCode ?? ''}}
{{ cart.shippingAddress.stateValue ?? ''}} {{ cart.shippingAddress.countryText ?? ''}}
Edit {% endif %}
{# the dummy gateway ID #} {{ redirectInput('buy/confirm?number={number}') }} {{ csrfInput() }}

Your Payment Information

{% if showPaymentForm %}
{% if paymentForm is defined and paymentForm.getFirstError('firstName') %}{{ paymentForm.getFirstError('firstName') }}{% endif %}
{% if paymentForm is defined and paymentForm.getFirstError('firstName') %}{{ paymentForm.getFirstError('lastName') }}{% endif %}
{% if paymentForm is defined and paymentForm.getFirstError('firstName') %}{{ paymentForm.getFirstError('number') }}{% endif %}
{% if paymentForm is defined and paymentForm.getFirstError('cvv') %}{{ paymentForm.getFirstError('cvv') }}{% endif %}
{% if paymentForm is defined and paymentForm.getFirstError('month') %}{{ paymentForm.getFirstError('month') }}{% endif %} {% if paymentForm is defined and paymentForm.getFirstError('year') %}{{ paymentForm.getFirstError('year') }}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if showPaymentForm %}
Includes {{ cart.getTotalShippingCost()AsCurrency }} shipping and {% if cart.getTotalTax() %} {{ cart.getTotalTax()AsCurrency }} taxes. {% endif %} {% if cart.getTotalTaxIncluded() %} {{ cart.getTotalTaxIncluded()AsCurrency }} included taxes. {% endif %}
Need any help? Don't hesitate to contact support!
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block sidebar %}

{{ cart.lineitems[0].description }}

$ {{ cart.itemTotal }}
Authentic Craft t-shirt
{% include 'buy/_components/checkboxicon' %}
Made of real material
{% include 'buy/_components/checkboxicon' %}
You will look cool
{% include 'buy/_components/checkboxicon' %}
Fully supported
"Buying this will bring you true happiness."
Brad Bell
{% endblock %}